Privacy Policy

Please read our terms & conditions carefully before using our services.


Dear customer, we appreciate your interest in data protection. We would like to provide you with an easily understandable overview of our data protection process. Our goal is to offer you a wonderful and secure customer experience, meaning you can always trust us. We value transparency and honesty, and your trust in our products is the reason we can provide you with an excellent customer experience. We would like to thank you for your collaboration.

About us

We are Faster LLC, and our registration number is 1010443133. You can always reach us through one of the following methods: Email: Address: Faster LLC, Building No: 6973, Unit No: 1, King Abdulaziz Road, Al-Yasmin, Riyadh 13326 – 2450, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. By visiting our website, registering, or placing purchase orders, you agree to this privacy policy. As data controllers, we determine how we process your personal data, for what purposes, and by what means. While we are legally obligated to provide you with all the following information, we do so fundamentally based on our belief that partnership should always be built on honesty. As data controllers, we are responsible for ensuring that all our processing activities comply with legal requirements. If you have any questions about data protection at Faster, you can contact our data protection team at any time by sending an email to We assure you that we will remain your point of contact if you have any questions about data protection.

Right to update terms & conditions

We reserve the right to update this privacy policy in accordance with legal provisions. We will inform you of any significant changes, such as changes in the purpose of processing or new purposes. In such cases, we will not process your personal data without obtaining your consent to the modifications.

Privacy is your right, and you've got a choice in this matter.

As our customer, you have the option to choose what information you would like to share with us. Of course, we require some information to fulfill our contract. However, this does not always necessitate providing all the data you can make available to us.

Processing personal data

We only use the personal data that is required in order to serve you, and this is essential for us to deliver products and services to you. Without your consent to the use of your data, you will not be able to use our services.

You can, at any time:

Revise our terms and conditions, and approve it before we process any of your personal info.

You have the right to review and consent to the privacy policy for personal data before your personal data is processed.

Right to access your data

You have the right to be informed about the data we store and process that is related to you.

Right to update

If you notice that the stored data is incorrect, you can directly correct the information in your profile.

The right to deletion

You can request us at any time to delete the data related to you that we have stored, and your account will be deactivated accordingly.

The right to data transfer

You can request us to send you the data we have stored about you in a machine-readable format. In this regard, we will make the data available to you in electronic format.

The right to lodge a complaint

If you believe that we have made an error concerning your personal data or your rights, you can file a complaint at any time by sending an email to

What data do we process

We process your personal data only in accordance with strict legal requirements, considering all principles of personal data processing. We emphasize transparency, processing your data within the legal framework only where such processing can be reasonably expected. If, in our assessment, we conclude that processing cannot be reasonably expected, we will proceed with the processing only after obtaining your explicit consent. Below, we describe our processing activities, specifying the categories of personal data in each case. Personal data refers to information that can identify you or make you identifiable. We generally process the following categories of personal data for the specified reasons:

Contact Information

Name, mobile phone number, email address, and your social media ID if available. Reason: We collect this data when you contact us to understand who we are speaking with and the reason for your contact, enabling us to assist you. This also applies when leaving comments on our social media pages. Although we do not merge this data with your profile on our platform, we can still identify you through your social media ID.

Customer Location Data

Address, city, state, latitude and longitude, and customer location ID. Reason: We need this data to deliver your orders. We automatically generate latitude and longitude to process your delivery address in our other relevant systems and display your address to our delivery drivers or our restaurant delivery drivers.

Profile Data (Primary Data)

Name, email address, mobile phone number, delivery addresses, and date of birth. Reason: This data is essential for providing our services. Without a mobile phone number, you cannot create a profile. Your name, email, and delivery addresses collectively represent the primary data.

Device Information and Access Data

Device ID, device identification number, operating system, version, device location, access time, configuration settings, and internet connection information (IP address). Reason: We store this information for technical reasons with each access. We also use parts of this information to detect suspicious behavior early on and avoid any harm.

Order Information

Order history, selected restaurants, invoices, order identification number, order ratings, payment method details, delivery address, successful and canceled orders. Reason: Each time you place an order, this information is added to your profile. You can view recent order information in your profile at any time. This information should give you an overview of your interests and previous orders. We also use the same information to improve our services. Additionally, we will anonymize this information upon your request for deletion.

Communication Information

Name, email address, mobile phone number, and device ID. Reason: If you wish to receive email or SMS messages or in-app pop-up advertisements from us, we need specific information to send messages to you. Instead of addressing you as "Dear customer," we find it better for customers to be addressed by their name. We also use this form of personal information to communicate with you, for example, if delivery of a product is unsuccessful, and we want to offer you an alternative.

Payment Information

Payment method, part of credit card information, stored credit card code, credit card expiration date, bank identification number (first six digits on the card), and the last four digits of the card. Reason: We need this information to track your payments and link them to the orders you have placed. To make the order process more convenient for you, we offer to save your preferred payment method. This means you do not have to enter your payment details again the next time you place an order. Storing this data requires your prior consent. You can also save your payment information and remove it in the future at any time from your account page.

Delivery Information

Name, delivery address, phone number, and order identification number. Reason: To minimize the data required, we only provide our drivers and restaurant delivery drivers with the data they need to prepare and deliver your order.

Transfer of Information to Drivers and Restaurants

We use various drivers for delivery, and they may be independent or third parties providing drivers under a data processing agreement when delivering our orders. In all these cases, we send your personal data to the drivers so they can quickly deliver your order.

Customer Relationship Management

Your Orders

Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. Therefore, we are very keen to be ready for all your questions and answer them. In order to respond to these questions and understand the issue in general, we store the conversation content in our Customer Relationship Management system when contacting us. The content of the information we store depends on the information you provide as part of our communications.

Call Center

Whenever there is a need to contact you, one of our call center agents may call you, and we record and store the conversation with you. In some individual cases, recordings are also used to improve the quality of customer service, i.e., for training (guidance) purposes for our staff. The content of the information we store depends on the information you provide as part of our communications. Phone call recordings are deleted after a minimum of 12 months or if the purpose of storage has been fulfilled, such as when quality verification is achieved before this period.

Fraud Prevention and Platform Protection

To protect our customers and our platform from potential attacks, we continuously monitor activities on our site for all visitors. For this purpose, we use various technical measures to ensure the detection of suspicious behavior in the early stages and prevent it at the right time. To achieve this goal, many monitoring mechanisms work in parallel, preventing potential attackers from accessing our site altogether. The decision-making process occurs automatically and can have a legal impact on the individuals involved or affect them similarly. If automated decision-making leads to a negative result for you and you do not agree with that decision, you can contact us at In such a case, we will individually evaluate the circumstances of this incident

Mergers and Acquisitions or Change of Ownership or Closure

We also want to inform you that in the case of a merger with another company or the acquisition of the company, we will disclose information to that company. Of course, we will ask the company to comply with legal data protection regulations.

Coupons and Vouchers

We often provide coupons to users of our platforms. The reasons may vary, and the purpose of these coupons is to reward our loyal customers and encourage them to continue using our platforms. To verify the coupon number, its value, and its reuse frequency, and also to avoid misuse of these coupons, we collect various personal data.

Who We Work With and Where We Process Your Dat

We never give your data to external parties not authorized to do so. However, as part of our work, we obtain services from specific service providers and grant them limited and strictly monitored access to some of our data. All data recipients must fulfill legal data protection requirements and prove the level of data protection they have with appropriate evidence.

Service Providers

We use different data processors to process data on a daily basis. These processors handle your personal data according to the requirements of the "Communications and Information Technology Authority" and our standards, with no claims of any kind regarding this data. We also regularly check our data processors and only allow those who meet our standards. Some of our service providers are located outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Third Parties

We also work with external parties, in addition to data processors, and transfer your personal data to them. However, they are bound by privacy instructions. These include, for example, our consultants, lawyers, or tax advisors who receive your data from us on a contractual basis and process your personal data for legal reasons or to protect our own interests. We do not sell or rent your personal data to third parties under any circumstances. This will never happen without your explicit consent.

Prosecution Authorities and Legal Proceedings

Unfortunately, a few of our customers and service providers may not act fairly and may want to harm us. In these cases, we are not only obligated to provide personal data due to legal obligations but also, in our interest, to prevent damage and enforce our claims and reject unjustified lawsuits.

Personal Data Categories

*Contact Information *Order Information *Device and Access Information *Payment Information *Coupon Information *Delivery Information *Location Data *Profile Data (Primary Data) *Contact Data

How Long Do We Need to Store Your Data?

We will delete your personal data only if you wish and inform us of your intention to do so, and we will also delete your account. Before that happens, you will receive a separate notification at the email address registered in your user account. In addition to that, there are other legal retention periods that we must also consider. For example, tax data is retained for a period ranging from six to ten years or even longer in some cases. These specific retention periods vary according to local legal requirements. Therefore, despite your request to delete your data, we may still need to store some of the data due to legal regulations. In this case, we will restrict the data from further processing. Moreover, we will continue to store your data if we have the right to do so according to the regulations of the Communications and Information Technology Authority. This particularly applies if we need your personal data to initiate, exercise, or defend legal claims.

Cookie Policies

To make your visit to our website/application engaging and enable the use of specific functions, we use alleged cookies on various pages. These are small text files stored on your browser. Some cookies we use are deleted after the end of your browser session, i.e., after closing the browser. Other cookies remain on your browser, allowing us or our affiliated companies to recognize your browser on your next visit (persistent cookies). You can configure your browser settings to be notified of cookie settings and make individual decisions about accepting or rejecting them for specific cases or in general. Not accepting cookies may restrict the functionality of our website/application. Below, you will find more information about your choices, along with a detailed list of the cookies we use. Cookie Categories: Required: Cookies required for browsing our website and using available features. Our website may not function properly (e.g., text input) without using these cookies. Functional: Functional cookies collect anonymous information that cannot track your movements on other websites. They can be used to send targeted ads or measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. They can also identify the most effective online marketing channels. These cookies activate when you visit our website to enable these actions. We also use third-party cookies for this category. Personal: Personal cookies operate ads more targeted to the user and aligned with their interests. These cookies assist in uploading custom marketing lists to our marketing partners. By analyzing your anonymous use, we can identify areas where we can improve our website. Personal cookies are used to run more targeted ads relevant to the user and their interests. These cookies help us upload custom marketing lists to our marketing partners.

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